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首页晶振行业动态 About Quantic Croven

About Quantic Croven

来源:http://www.yijindz.com 作者:yijin 2023年09月07

Founded in 1954 as W. Gary-Wright Electronics of Canada to assemble crystal products for various military communications programs, the Company name was later changed to Croven Ltd., an acronym for the products then manufactured:

CR (for quartz crystals) & OVEN (for the temperature controlled ovens developed for use with the crystals in precision ../applications).

By 1959, Croven’s crystal and oven products were in large demand and the facility at 500 Beech Street was erected. At that time, due to the large demand for oven products, the Company founded Ovenaire in Charlottesville, VA, which went on to become a world leader in the manufacture of precision ovens and ovenized oscillators. The Company was further expanded in 1963 when the Filtaire division was established to support the growing demand for specialized crystal filter products.

In 1967, the Companies were purchased by Walter Kidde & Co. of Belleville, NJ. By then Croven had grown significantly and the Whitby facility had been expanded to its current 25,000 square feet.

In 1975, the Croven Ltd founded Croven Europe (later to be known as Dantronic), a wholly owned subsidiary in Denmark to manufacture crystal products for the European market.

By 1979, Croven Ltd had moved all manufacturing of oscillators and hybrid modules to its other locations and the Whitby operation from that time onward has focused exclusively on the design and development of precision quartz crystal resonators. The name was then changed to Croven Crystals Ltd to better reflect our product and market orientation.

In 2006, the company was acquired by Wenzel Associates, Inc and the CROVEN CRYSTALS name has been resurrected in recognition of our origins and long tradition of serving the crystal resonator market.

In 2021, Croven was acquired by Quantic Electronics and rebranded as Quantic Croven. The new brand reflects the unified mission and unparalleled heritage of customer successes across Quantic companies. While our name has changed we retain the same exceptional engineering, operations, and leadership at our facility in Whitby, Ontario. Additionally, we remain committed to providing our customers with the highest quality crystal resonator solutions, meeting the absolute toughest requirements.

Croven成立于1954年的W. Gary-Wright Electronics of Canada,为各种军事通信计划组装晶体产品,公司名称后来改为Croven Ltd.,当时制造的产品的首字母缩略词:CR(用于石英晶体)和烤箱(用于开发用于精密晶体的温控烤箱…/应用)。

到1959年,Croven的水晶和烤箱产品需求量很大,位于500 Beech Street的工厂建成。当时,由于对烤箱产品的大量需求,该公司在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔成立了Ovenaire,并成为精密烤箱和烤箱振荡器制造领域的世界领导者。该公司在1963年进一步扩大,当时成立了Filtaire部门,以支持对专业晶体滤波器产品日益增长的需求。


1975年,Croven Ltd在丹麦成立了全资子公司Croven Europe(后来被称为Dantronic ),为欧洲市场生产水晶产品。

到1979年,Croven Ltd .已经将所有振荡器和混合模块的制造转移到其他地方,从那时起,Whitby operation一直专注于精密石英晶体谐振器的设计和开发。为了更好地反映我们的产品和市场导向,公司的名称后来改为Croven Crystals Ltd。

2006年,该公司被文泽尔联合公司收购,CROVEN CRYSTALS的名称被重新命名,以表彰我们的起源和为晶体谐振器市场服务的悠久传统。

2021年,Croven被Quantic电子公司收购,更名为Quantic Croven。新品牌反映了Quantic公司的统一使命和无与伦比的客户成功传统。虽然我们的名称已经改变,但我们在安大略省惠特比的工厂仍保留了同样出色的工程、运营和领导能力。此外,我们仍然致力于为客户提供最高质量的晶体谐振器解决方案,满足最严格的要求。





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